Second walk. 2014 the first Dhd Conference took place in Passau: DARIAH-Pre-Conference and another three days full of interesting talks. But everybody needs a break at any time – so I do. I used my break for a inspiring pattern walk starting at the university area we met. My walk had some loops in the beginning because of the many small trails on the campus area and less possibilities to turn left because of the river on my left hand side. Around 30 minutes the situation twisted and I had to walk along the Inn with no possibilities to turn right. But in the end I reached the old city centre of Passau and stopped my walk after 20 iterations of my walking algorithm in Passau’s Bratfischwinkel. Why 20 iterations? Remember: That’s the number of iterations of my first walk in Göttingen which brought me back to my starting point.
START: Innstr. 27, Passau (bridge)
PATTERN FOR THAT WALK: right, left (starting with right)
DURATION: 1 hour 8 minutes
DISTANCE: 3,6 km
STOP: Bratfischwinkel 12, Passau
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